Tao Calligraphy Cards 
A Powerful, Portable Healing Tool Applying The 10
Greatest Qualities of Tao

Experience the transformative healing power of Tao with a Tao Calligraphy Card


Tao Calligraphy Cards are physical cards that are printed with a specific Tao Calligraphy.

They are powerful healing tools that allow you to access the high-level frequency, vibration, and energy of that calligraphy.

What Is Tao Calligraphy?

Tao Calligraphy is the culmination of 5000 years of wisdom and practice. 

Created by Tao Grandmaster, Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha, Tao Calligraphy is a unique healing art. It is based on the ancient one-stroke calligraphy called Yi Bi Zi—a form of oneness writing in which the brush never leaves the parchment. 

This technique was passed down to Dr. & Master Sha from Professor Li Qiuyun, who was nearly 100 years old when she chose Master Sha as her sole disciple of this unique calligraphic art (which she herself learned from the last master calligrapher of the last emperor of China).

By uplifting the Yi Bi Zi Calligraphy with the high frequency, vibration, information, and energy of Tao, the Ultimate Source, Dr. & Master Sha further developed this sacred oneness writing to create Tao Calligraphy a revolutionary healing art.

Tao Calligraphy is not just calligraphy—it’s a direct connection to higher spiritual frequencies and energies. It is a powerful healing tool that connects
people with the healing field of a specific calligraphy.

Tao Calligraphy is unique “art beyond art.”

What Does That Mean?


 Ancient spiritual wisdom shows us that all
of life flows in a specific direction.

It moves from
Soul > Heart > Mind > Energy > Matter.

Another way to understand this is that
what happens on the matter level first
started at the soul level.

Health problems, financial blocks,
relationship challenges… all of these issues
first started in what we call the “soul.”

You see, most healing tools work on the mind,
energy, and matter levels—and they
can create great results!

But when we can go directly to the root of
the problem—the soul level—we can create
dramatic transformation in our lives.

What Does That Mean?


Ancient spiritual wisdom shows us that all of life flows in a specific direction.

It moves from
Soul > Heart > Mind > Energy > Matter.

Another way to understand this is that
what happens on the matter level first
started at the soul level.

Health problems, financial blocks,
relationship challenges… all of these issues first started in what we call the “soul.”

You see, most healing tools work on the mind, energy, and matter levels and they can create great results!

But when we can go directly to the root of the problem—the soul level—we can create dramatic transformation in our lives.

The 10-Da Tao Calligraphy Cards

The 10 Da are a special series of Tao Calligraphy Cards.

In Chinese, “Da” means “Greatest.” The 10 Da are the 10 Greatest Qualities that each person should cultivate in order to experience the greatest health, ease, and flow in all areas of life.

The 10 Da Tao Calligraphy Cards can be used individually or all together as a complete set.


Tao Calligraphy Cards work by transforming negative information or messages into positive information on the soul level.
Which means these cards can help transform almost any challenge, blockage, or obstacle in your life!

While each of the 10 Da Tao Calligraphy Cards has their own unique focus and frequency, all of the Tao Calligraphy Cards can be used to support…


Mental/Emotional problems





…and so much more!

By working on the highest spiritual levels, Tao Calligraphy Cards
can help you transform your challenges at the root.


I Take a deep breath

II Set an intention for what you want to focus on

(This can be health, relationships, finances, spiritual development, business growth, etc. or simply “what is best for me at this time.”)

III Read through each of the 10 Da Calligraphy Card descriptions below

IV Choose the card(s) that are calling to you

(Note: Sometimes the card that’s calling to you may not be the one that you expect! Trust what comes through.)


To use your Tao Calligraphy Card, simply trace the calligraphy printed on the card.
Tracing the calligraphy opens up and activates the energy field of that calligraphy. This connects you with the unique
energy, frequency, and vibration of the card.

Alternate ways to use your Tao Calligraphy Cards…

Display the calligraphy card in your home or office

Meditate with the calligraphy card

Sleep with the calligraphy card under your pillow

Use a calligraphy card in your personal or professional healing practice

Keep a calligraphy card in your bag or purse for healing on-the-go

Greatest Love Da Ai 

Love melts all blockages and transforms all life. Da Ai, which means Greatest Love, is the Tao Calligraphy for unconditional love.

It connects you to the powerful universal frequency of “love” - clearing, activating, and strengthening your heart while gently removing any challenges that are
holding you back in life.

Da Ai is great for…

 Transforming difficult relationships

 Opening to greater love (with yourself and others)

 Healing emotional challenges (like heartbreak, sorrow, grief, depression)

 Strengthening your heart center, building your self-love, and developing your spiritual gifts

 Gently and powerfully healing any blockage in your life (like health, financial, spiritual, etc.)

Greatest Forgiveness Da Kuan Shu

Without forgiveness, true love, peace, and harmony cannot be achieved. Da Kuan Shu, which means Greatest Forgiveness, is the Tao Calligraphy for unconditional forgiveness. 

Forgiveness is the key to clearing karma, healing our deepest blocks, and creating greater success and happiness in life. When we offer forgiveness to ourselves and others,we can experience a powerful release and transformation.

Da Kuan Shu is great for…

 Transforming difficult relationships

 Healing trauma and old wounds (personal, collective, ancestral, etc.)

 Transforming health challenges and chronic conditions

 Clearing deep and stubborn blocks (in all areas of life: health, financial, spiritual, etc.)

Greatest Forgiveness Da Kuan Shu 

Greatest Compassion Da Ci Bei

Compassion awakens your heart to the purpose of life. Da Ci Bei, which means Greatest Compassion, is the Tao Calligraphy for unlimited compassion.

Compassion is connected to the great Bodhisattva, Kuan Yin. It is the ultimate energy that connects us to mercy, strength, and grace.

Da Ci Bei is great for…

 Increasing personal willpower, vitality, and strength 

 Cultivating greater self-compassion (when you’re being too hard on yourself) and compassion for others (when you forget the divine that lives inside all)

 Supporting you as you serve in caregiver roles (as a parent, guardian, caretaker of loved ones, working in healthcare, childcare, etc.)

 Increasing your ability to serve humanity from a place of deep compassion and grace

Greatest Compassion Da Ci Bei 

Greatest Light Da Guang Ming

Light is most vital for your health, relationships, finances, and every aspect of life. Da Guang Ming, which means Greatest Light, is the Tao Calligraphy for spiritual light.

It is rejuvenation and transformation through the purest soul, heart, mind, and body of Tao.
It connects you to the powerful universal frequency of “love” - clearing, activating, and strengthening your heart while gently removing any challenges that are holding you back in life.

Da Guang Ming is great for…

 Rejuvenating your soul, heart, mind, energy, and body 

 Washing your energy in the purest bath of light

 Increasing wellness in all areas of your life (health, relationships, finances, spiritual, etc.)

Greatest Light Da Guang Ming

Greatest Humility Da Qian Bei

According to ancient wisdom, ego is the biggest blockage to progress in life.

Da Qian Bei, which means Greatest Humility, is the Tao Calligraphy for true humility. A key teaching from Dao De Jing shares that the power of humility can overcome the power of brute strength.

This is the Tao Calligraphy card that most people experience the greatest resistance to (which is often a sign that it’s the energy you need the most)!

Da Qian Bei is great for…

 Keeping yourself grounded, centered, and humble 

 Revealing your true uniqueness and gifts (not from a place of ego, but from a place of divine service)

 Transforming pridefulness and increasing fulfilment in day-to-day tasks

Greatest Humility Da Qian Bei

Greatest Harmony Da He Xie

Harmony creates unity with all.

Da He Xie, which means Greatest Harmony, is the Tao Calligraphy card for universal harmony.

The sacred message of harmony is this: when people join their hearts together in harmony, their strength can cut gold.

Da He Xie is great for…

 Transforming disharmony in relationships, environments, and experiences

 Creating more ease and flow in business or career

 Strengthening the bond of teams, families, groups, and communities

 Easing stress and tension in your body, energy, and mind

Greatest Harmony Da He Xie

Greatest Flourishing Da Chang Sheng

True flourishing gives us the energy and ability to help others.

Da Chang Sheng, which means Greatest Flourishing, is the Tao Calligraphy Card for flourishing in all areas of life.

It is tapping into the unlimited wellspring of abundance! Through our own flourishing, we can help support the flourishing of others.

Da Chang Sheng is great for…

 Increasing financial wealth and abundance

 Growing and improving your business or career

 Creating more radiance and success in all areas of your life

 Increasing your energy and ability to powerfully support others

Greatest Flourishing Da Chang Sheng

Greatest Gratitude Da Gan En

Gratitude is one of the most important energies of life.

Da Gan En, which means Greatest Gratitude, is the Tao Calligraphy Card for the frequency of gratitude.

An ancient spiritual teaching tells us “gratitude is the key for progress.” Gratitude isn’t simply “thankfulness” but a bridge that connects people with the greater universe around them.

Da Gan En is great for…

 Giving gratitude and honoring God/Spirit/Ancestors/Guides

 Cultivating the frequency of gratitude (to invite even more abundance into your life)

 Strengthening your relationships

 Tapping into the energy of “oneness” for greater harmony, flow, and ease

Greatest Gratitude Da Gan En

Greatest Service Da Fu Wu

“The purpose of life is to serve”.

Da Fu Wu, which means Greatest Service, is the Tao Calligraphy Card for selfless service.

Using our gifts, our heart, and our light to serve is our highest purpose in life! 
True service to humanity, mother earth, animals, and our environment creates greater love and joy for all.

Da Fu Wu is great for…

 Aligning with your highest destiny and service

 Becoming a greater beacon of light for your community

 Transforming blocks that prevent you from being of greater service

 Increasing feelings of love, compassion, sincerity, honesty, generosity, integrity, and grace

Greatest Service Da Fu Wu

Greatest Enlightenment Da Yuan Man

A human being has two lives: a physical life and a soul life.

Physical life is limited. The soul life is eternal. Da Yuan Man, which means Greatest Enlightenment, is the Tao Calligraphy Card for enlightenment.

Ultimately, the purpose of our physical journey is to serve our soul journey. This is the greatest wisdom of enlightenment, a great achievement for one’s beloved soul that spiritual seekers aspire to.

Da Yuan Man is great for…

 Empowering your soul’s journey

 Increasing your spiritual gifts and development

 Strengthening your spiritual relationships

 Tapping into higher spiritual wisdom and integrating new teachings

Greatest Enlightenment Da Yuan Man

Get All 10-Da Tao Calligraphy Cards

Everyone can create his or her own soul blessings with these beautiful Sacred Tao Calligraphy Cards. Meditate and practice with them to nourish and bless your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies.

These Sacred Tao Calligraphy cards can be applied anywhere anytime to maintain the health, well-being and vitality of your soul, heart, mind and body, energy, stamina, vitality, and immunity, spiritual channels, relationships, finances, business, intelligence, and every aspect of life.

Get All 10-Da Tao Calligraphy Cards


Tao Grandmaster. World-Renowned 
Healer & Award-Winning Calligraphy Artist. 

Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha is one of the most extraordinary artists and healers of the 21st century. Born in China and educated at one of China’s foremost medical universities, Dr. & Master Sha is a Tao Grandmaster, world-renowned healer, creator of Tao Calligraphy, 11-time New York Times best-selling author, and was named Spiritual Innovator of the Year 2020.

As a lineage holder of Yi Bi Zi (an ancient form of one-stroke calligraphy) and the 373rd lineage holder of Peng Zu (an ancient saint renowned in China as the “longevity star”) Dr. & Master Sha is a holder of ancient Taoist wisdom and practices that have been kept alive by a rare few for more than 5000 years.

The founder of Tao Academy and the non-profit Love Peace Harmony Foundation, Master Sha has received widespread acclaim for his philanthropic service to humanity, including the Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission Award for promoting world peace.

Sultanah Kalsom

"I have known Dr. and Master Sha for many years. I have experienced and benefited from his ancient wisdom for healing and meditation. I follow his meditation guidance and trace his calligraphy and listen to his singing very often.

This has truly helped my healing and improved my well-being. Master Sha is a true grandmaster of ancient wisdom and one of the greatest healers in the world."

Bruce Cohen, 

"I received a healing from world-renowned Dr. and Master Sha as well as instructions to practice Tao Calligraphy. Within two weeks, I was pain-free and able to live my life normally again.

It has truly been a life-changing experience and I am forever grateful to Dr. Sha for his incredible gift of healing".

HM Queen Diambi of Congo

"Master Sha’s Tao Calligraphy is the Source healing art – the art beyond art. He is offering Tao Calligraphy healing for thousands of people.

As I travel throughout the world, I realize how much humanity needs Master Sha’s healing service offered through the Tao Calligraphy."

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Tao?

Tao is the name given by Lao Zi, author of Dao De Jing, for the Ultimate Source: the source of everything that exists, the creator of heaven, earth, and all things, the universal principles and laws, the way of all life.When you follow the Tao, you follow the natural flow of everyone and everything.

Are the Tao Calligraphy Cards a religious object?

No! Tao Calligraphy Cards are non-denominational healing tools—meaning they can support anyone. They’re used by people of many different faiths and spiritual backgrounds all over the world. 

Who can use Tao Calligraphy Cards?

Everyone! Tao Calligraphy Cards are a great healing tool for people of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds. The tracing practice is simple and something that most people (yes, even children) can do!

How did Dr. & Master Sha discover Tao Calligraphy?

Dr. & Master Sha discovered and learned a rare form of cursive calligraphy writing (Yi Bi Zi) from Professor Li Qiu Yun. She has been recognized by the United Nations as one of the world’s top Chinese language experts. With her guidance, Dr. & Master Sha quickly mastered the art of Yi Bi Zi and was chosen to be Professor Li’s sole lineage holder. Dr. & Master Sha uplifted this Yi Bi Zi style calligraphy writing by connecting with Tao Oneness and bringing the pure frequency and vibration and most-positive information and energy of Tao Oneness into the calligraphy, creating Tao Calligraphy. Tao Calligraphies radiate a powerful field of light, love, information, and energy that can help heal and transform your life.

How long should I trace the Tao Calligraphy Cards?

As long as you like! What’s important is consistency. We find that a great daily practice to start seeing big results is 30 minutes of tracing every day. But we know that can seem overwhelming to a lot of people at first, so we recommend even starting with a small practice of 10 minutes a day, every day, and see how that works for you. Consistency is key! And of course, the longer you trace, the greater results you’ll begin to see.

Can I use more than one Tao Calligraphy Card at a time?

Yes! For example, if you’d like to work with both the Da Ai (Greatest Love) and Da Chang Sheng (Greatest Flourishing) Cards in a short 20-minute practice, we recommend tracing one for 10 minutes and then tracing the other for 10 minutes. You can also keep both on display together in a room or sleep with both under your pillow. You can do this with two cards, three cards, four cards—even all 10 cards. But we do recommend generally picking 1-2 cards to trace with at a time (but you can display all 10 cards in your home or office to create a powerful energy field in your space).

Can I buy a Tao Calligraphy Card for someone else?

Yes! Tao Calligraphy Cards make excellent gifts for friends and family. What’s so incredible about Tao Calligraphy Cards is that you don’t need to understand how the Tao Calligraphy Cards work in order for them to work. If someone isn’t open to tracing the card, they can still receive benefits just by keeping the card close (on display where they can see it often or even under their pillow while they’re sleeping).

I don’t know which Tao Calligraphy Card to choose!

Having trouble choosing a card? We highly recommend starting with the Da Ai (Greatest Love) or Da Kuan Shu (Greatest Forgiveness) cards. These are two of the most popular and beloved Tao Calligraphy Cards with a truly wide range of uses and applications. If you don’t know where to begin, start with Love or Forgiveness!

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