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The New Moon
Series Libra Edition

Enjoy Monthly New Moon Events happening on every New Moon for all of 2023.
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At this Event You'll Receive

Customized blessing based on the energy of this new moon
Channeled Tao Song and Tao Wisdom Teachings from our beloved Certified Teachers
An event replay so that you can rewatch the event or catch up if you missed it

The Upcoming New Moon In Libra Presents a time of balance, harmony, and new beginnings in the realm of relationships and partnerships

Libra is an air sign ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, so this lunar phase encourages us to focus on our connections with others, seek fairness, and strive for peace and diplomacy in our interactions. This New Moon also invites you to explore your aesthetic sensibilities, appreciate beauty in various forms, and embark on creative endeavors that promote harmony and elegance.
Ruled by the balanced and harmonious energy of Libra, which governs relationships, diplomacy, and finding equilibrium, the Libra New Moon encourages us to seek balance and cultivate meaningful connections in our lives.

Embrace the grace and tact that comes with Libra's influence, and recognize that the universe is aligning to support your quest for harmony and balance during this Libra New Moon phase.

This is a pivotal moment to set intentions that resonate with your inner desires for relationship harmony and balanced living. Let your innate ability to seek fairness and cooperation guide you as you take purposeful steps towards your goals, and have confidence in your capacity to create harmonious connections.

Allow the airy essence of Libra to infuse your intentions with a sense of balance and a commitment to harmonious living, propelling you towards a life that showcases the genuine beauty of your relationships. Just as Libra energy seeks to find equilibrium and beauty in life, let this New Moon illuminate a path of balanced relationships, inner peace, and unapologetic authenticity that leads you to embrace your role as a creator of harmonious connections in your journey.

What People Are Saying

I felt my whole body intensely and my crown chakra was buzzing during the blessing. Felt a lot of blockages melt plus the pain I felt earlier seemed to dissipate during the session!
That was Unbelievable!!! Felt like I was waves of water, flowing.
Thank you! The frequencies were amazing and empowering! I went into a deep stillness and I feel so blessed to have this celestial celebration with everyone!

Meet Your Celestial Guide

Vanessa Ferraro
Vanessa Ferraro is a Tao Chang Leading Teacher at Next Level Tao, Tao Song Tao Dance Practitioner, Founder of the Wealthy Goddess Movement, Soulfully Aligned Inc., International Best-Selling Author, and Director of Sales and Marketing for Universal Soul Service Corp. Featured on networks like RA MA TV, Vanessa’s speciality lies in bridging strategy with spirituality to lead a new paradigm of business, soulful sales and heart-centered service. The core of her mission is to support humanity to rise into their highest alignment—in wealth, business, and spirituality.
Tao Technologies Taught and Practiced in This Program Are Founded and Created by Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha
Meet Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha
Spiritual Innovator of The Year, 2020
Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha is a Tao Grandmaster, World-Renowned Healer, and 11 x New York Times Bestselling Author. He is a grandmaster of many ancient Eastern arts (including Qi Gong, Tai Chi, and Chinese Calligraphy) and holds an MD in Western Medicine from China. As a 373rd lineage holder of Peng Zu (the Chinese Taoist lineage Lao Zi - the author of the Dao Te Ching), Dr. & Master Sha was initiated into an ancient Taoist tradition that has been kept alive for more than 5000 years. His mission in life is to serve humanity with this wisdom - combining the essence of modern quantum science with ancient Tao teachings to help people be happier and healthier. A renowned humanitarian, Dr. & Master Sha is the Founder of the Love Peace Harmony Foundation and a recipient of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission Award for promoting world peace.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Tao?

Tao is the name given by Lao Zi, author of Dao De Jing, for the Ultimate Source: the source of everything that exists, the creator of heaven, earth, and all things, the universal principles and laws, the way of all life. When you follow the Tao, you follow the natural flow of everyone and everything.

What is Next Level Tao?

Next Level Tao supports individuals on their own unique spiritual journey including healers, and those who aspire to become powerful spiritual healers, in fulfilling their soul's purpose. Through hosting events and programs, we aim to empower you to take your life to the NEXT LEVEL and deepen your connection to your true self. Our offerings include events, workshops, one-on-one consultations and more! Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or just beginning your spiritual journey, Next Level Tao is here with you on your path to aligning with your soul's calling.

How long does the event last?

Each event lasts about 90 minutes and is filled with wisdom teachings, practice, and blessings!

What if I can't attend the live event?

Although it's highly encouraged you join us live to be in the transformative field of the Tao, you will receive access to the recording for 7 days.