Tao Sacred 


Teachings and Practices to Transform the Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Bodies.

A 5-Week On-Demand Digital Course with Dr. & Master Sha

Available On-Demand!

Available in English, French, German, Dutch, and Spanish.

Learn Ancient Spiritual Teachings and Practices from a Living Tao Grandmaster

Traditionally, this wisdom was kept secret inside the lineage passed down only from the master teacher to a very few totally dedicated students.

But we’re in a special time where everyone needs access to these teachings.

Dr. & Master Sha’s mission is to share the ancient and secret wisdom of the Tao with everybody. It doesn’t matter if you’re just hearing about this for the first time or you’ve been studying with him for 20 years, he shares the same wisdom with everyone.

You don’t need to change your belief systems, be initiated into a tradition, or make any sacrifices to receive these teachings. You simply need to show up with an open heart and mind to the secret and profound teachings in this program.

The wisdom you’re going to learn in Tao Sacred Ancient Wisdom is for everyone, regardless of where you are in your journey of transformation.

And the best part?

You’re not just learning theory… you’re going to learn how to actually use these teachings in real time! 

Master Sha and Allan Chuck, his Leading Teacher of Tao Wisdom, will lead you through a series of practices that combine ancient and sacred techniques with 21st-century Tao technologies (including Tao Calligraphy, Tao Song, and Tao Water).

By applying what you learn, you can actually absorb, integrate, and embody this ancient wisdom!

Come experience the revolutionary power of Tao.

An Immersive Online Course

Tao Sacred Ancient Wisdom is a 2-day online course followed by five weekly sessions led by Tao Grandmaster, Dr. & Master Sha, and Certified Master Teacher, Allan Chuck. You’ll learn a revolutionary lineage of teachings and practices that combine universal wisdom with cutting-edge quantum science to help you create a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

Come discover the practical application of ancient spiritual wisdom through innovative Tao transformative tools directly from a Tao Grandmaster! 

Get Ready to Experience…

  • Shen Qi Jing: a universal law
  • Ming Gong: an ancient practice to transform all life 
  • ​Jin Dan: a sacred transmission
  • ​Four Power Techniques®: ancient Chinese secrets
  • ​Four Bodies: a new way of seeing health, wellness, and longevity
  • ​Layers of transformation: the difference between partial and total transformation
  • ​Tao Transformative Technologies: including Tao Calligraphy, Tao Song, Tao Water, and Tao Sacred Mantras.
  • ​…and so much more.

Learn Tao Wisdom for a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

Meet Your Teachers

Dr. & Master Sha

Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha is a Tao Grandmaster, World-Renowned Healer, and 11-time New York Times Bestselling Author.

He is a grandmaster of many ancient Eastern arts (including Qi Gong, Tai Chi, and Chinese calligraphy) and holds an MD in Western Medicine from China.

As a 373rd-generation lineage holder of Peng Zu (an ancient Tao saint renowned in China as the “longevity star”), Dr. & Master Sha was initiated into an ancient Tao tradition that has been kept alive for 5,000 years.

His mission in life is to serve humanity with this wisdom, combining the essence of modern quantum science with ancient Tao teachings to help people be happier and healthier.

A renowned humanitarian, Dr. & Master Sha is the Founder of the Love Peace Harmony Foundation and a recipient of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission Award for promoting world peace. 

Allan Chuck, Leading Teacher

Allan Chuck is a Certified Leading Teacher of Tao Academy.

He is recognized internationally as a powerful Tao Teacher, and a profound agent of positive transformation.

He has dedicated his life to transforming your challenges and suffering, whether physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual, or in your relationships, business, finances, or life purpose.

With his decades of practical people-centric experience in the academic and corporate worlds, he can guide you to align your soul, heart, mind, and body and light your path to health, happiness, vitality, loving relationships, and more.


2-Day Immersion.

Replays From The 2-Day Experience 

Led by Tao Grandmaster, Dr. & Master Sha with his Leading Teacher of Tao Wisdom, Allan Chuck, this 5-week program begins with an in-depth weekend immersion into all things Tao Wisdom.

You’ll learn the foundational teachings and explore cutting-edge practices to apply these teachings to transform your everyday life.

5 x Weekly Classes.

Sundays (starting July 16)
12:30pm - 2:30pm ET

Each week, the Tao Sacred Ancient Wisdom classes will dive deep into one focused topic expanding on the teachings from the 2-day weekend immersion.

Topics range from: universal teachings, self-development practices, techniques to apply ancient wisdom for modern-day life, and more.


Sunday, July 16 | 12:30pm - 2:30pm ET


Sunday, July 23 | 12:30pm - 2:30pm ET


Sunday, July 30 | 12:30pm - 2:30pm ET


Sunday, August 6 | 12:30pm - 2:30pm ET


Sunday, August 13 | 12:30pm - 2:30pm ET

Ancient teachings for a modern life.

Tao Sacred Ancient Wisdom:

Teachings and Practices to Transform the Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Bodies.

A 5-Week Online Course with Dr. & Master Sha

Starting July 8, 2023.

What’s Included:

 2-Day Weekend Immersion ($500 value)

 5 x Weekly Classes ($250 value)

 1 x Tao Light Treasure ($300 value)

Available in English, French, German, Dutch, and Spanish.

Total value of $1,050 CAD

Your price: $350 CAD

Discover the practical application of ancient spiritual wisdom directly from a Tao Grandmaster.

Do I need to know anything about “Tao” to join?

No! This is a beginner-friendly course that teaches ancient spiritual wisdom and practical techniques. Tao Sacred Ancient Wisdom is a non-denominational program; you don’t need to know anything about “Tao” to join. If you feel the call to transform, uplift, and upgrade your life in 2023, then this just might be the perfect experience for you.

Will there be recordings for all the classes?

Yes! Recordings for both the 2-day weekend immersion and all 5 weekly classes will be made available for every person who registers. 

How long do I have access to this course?

You’ll have full access to all the recordings and resources for 1 month after the course ends (until October 8th, 2023). 

2023 Master Sha™️

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